Automobile collisions are inherently stressful events. Fortunately, your body has a few different ways of dealing with stress. Because physiological responses to stress may mask injury symptoms, though, you may not immediately realize that you have suffered an injury. Therefore, it is important always to seek medical treatment after any type of car crash. 

Ensuring that you receive fair compensation from the negligent person who caused your injuries begins with talking to a doctor. This discussion is also essential for receiving effective treatment. Here are four questions to ask your doctor after a crash: 

1.Do you know about my medical history?

Following a car crash, the first doctor you see may be an emergency room physician. Regrettably, this medical professional may have limited information about you. As such, it is important to explain your medical history as well as you can. Tell the doctor about chronic conditions, previous injuries or illnesses and any medication that you take.

2. Do you understand how I sustained my injuries?

When diagnosing and treating patients, doctors like to have as much relevant information as possible. For that reason, your doctor should understand how you sustained your injuries. Explaining how the crash unfolded, for example, may boost your odds of receiving proper care.

3. What is my treatment plan?

Recovering from a collision can require considerable time and patience. You may also experience setbacks. Understand your treatment plan, including your prognosis. Your doctor can likely tell you what to expect throughout the recovery process.

4. Can I work?

In any car crash, you are susceptible to a variety of injuries, ranging from broken bones to post-traumatic stress disorder. Clearly, some injuries may severely limit your ability to work. As such, you should ask your physician if it is safe for you to return to your job duties. You should also try to understand if you need any workplace accommodations. 

Having an in-depth conversation with your doctor after a collision is important for a few different reasons. Luckily, by asking the right questions, you increase your odds of receiving the care that you need to recover completely.